Mighty Small Moments

What is this initiative about?

Mighty Small Moments is a movement to educate Milwaukee families about brain development and inspire them to see even brief moments as opportunities to help their children grow. This movement supports parents by creating learning zones in places where families spend time and celebrating them as their child’s first teacher!

What are Mighty Small Moments?

Did you know that talking, reading, singing, and playing with children from birth to three builds their brains and prepares them for learning? These are #mightysmallmoments but those aren’t the only examples! Eating breakfast, walking to the bus stop, doing laundry, or waiting in line together can also be moments we choose to build our kids’ brains.

A new look on the moments you share.

Mighty Small Moments is a reminder that your impact is greater than you think. Kids are like sponges - they soak up everything you do around them. What you do with your child today can help better prepare them for school tomorrow.

Spread the word.

We’re asking families to help showcase their #mightysmallmoments to the world and encourage other families to do the same. Follow us on social media and tag @mightysmallmoments!


Sponge Baby